- Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceeding) basılan bildiriler
Ankara, Turkey, 1-5.10. 2018, 18. Türk Tarih Kongresi, “A 17th Century Ottoman Reading of Ibn ʻArabı̄ ’s Cosmogony: ‘Abdullāh Bosnavı̄ ’s Treatise on Latent Realities (Al-Aʻyān Al- Thābita).”
Istanbul, Turkey, 22-24.10. 2018, Vefatının 100. Yılında Sultan II Abdülhamid Ve Dönemi Uluslararası Kongresi, “Cultural, Educational, and Publishing Activities of the Serbian Orthodox Minority in İstanbul During the Rule of Abdul Hamid II.”
Samsun, Turkey, 1-2.12. 2018, XII International Balkan History Congress, “Ottomanism, Pan- Islamism, Turkish Nationalism, and the Bosnian Muslims in the Eve of the First World War.”
Belgrade, Serbia, 5-7.9.2019, INOCTE 2019, III International Congress - New Tendencies in Ottoman Researches, Ottoman and the Balkans, “Brotherly Letters to Belgrade: Sheikh Lâmekânî’s Mystical Correspondence with the Sufis of Belgrade.”
Samsun, Turkey, 23.11.2019, XIII International Balkan History Congress, “Mevlevi Order and Mevlevi Written Culture in the Ottoman Bosnia.”
Rethymno, Greece, 14-17.1. 2022, Halcyon Days in Crete XI Symposium: Enchantments and Disenchantments: Early Modern Ottoman Visions of the World, “Underground Life of a Sufi Saint: The Hidden Idris (İdrîs-i Muhtefî, d. 1615) and the Secret History of the Melâmî- Hamzevî Order in the 17th Century.”
- Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
Mersin, Turkey, 30. 4-2. 5. 1997, I Ulusal Tarih Kongresi-Tarih Ve Milliyetçilik, "Bosna Bogomilleri ve islamlaşma: Bilimsel bir yanılgıdan ulusal bir mitosa".
- Diger Bildiriler
Leipzig, Germany, 23-29. 9. 1995, XXVI Deutscher Orientalistentag, "Mulhid Wahdati, ein bosnischer Ketzer aus dem 16. Jahrhundert".
Cambridge, UK, 18. 2. 1997, Cambridge University, Newnahm College, "The Malami and Hurufi Heresy in the 16th Century Ottoman Balkans and its Poetical Representatives: Mulhid Wahdati and Husayn Lamakani".
Budapest, Hungary, 7-12. 7. 1997, XXXV International Congress of Asian and North African Studies, "The Mystical Correspondence of Husayn Lamakani".
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 5-7 .3. 1998, II European Social Science History Conference, "The South-Slav Muslims: Between the Ottoman Heritage and Ethnic Identity".
Wien, Austria, 21-25. 9. 1998, XIII International Congress of Turkish Studies CIEPO, "Sudi’s Commentary on Rumi’s Masnawi".
Bonn, Germany, 28. 9-2. 10. 1998, XXVII Deutscher Orientalistentag, "Die Verfolgungen der heterodoxen Derwischorden am Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts im Licht der osmanischen Mühimme Defterleri".
Bamberg, Germany, 26-30. 3. 2001, XXVIII Deutscher Orientalistentag, "Scheich Lamekani und seine mekatib-i ‘arifane".
Istanbul, Turkey, 26-28. 6. 2001, UNESCO Workshop on the Promotion of Democratic Culture and Governance in South-Eastern Europe.
Dubrovnik, Croatia, 20-23. 8. 2001, IX International Congress of Economic and Social History of Turkey, "‘Abdullah al-Bosnawi and the Ibn al-‘Arabi Tradition in the Ottoman Balkans".
Mainz, Germany, 3-8. 10. 2002, V Deutsche Turkologenkonferenz, "Idris-i Muhtefi (g. 1615): Ein Sufi verschwindet".
Tirana, Albania, 4-7. 12. 2003, II International Symposium on Islamic Civilisation in the Balkans. “Wahdat al-Wujud, Melami-Bairamis, and the 17th Century Ottoman Balkans”.
Nicosia, North Cyprus, Near East University, 27. 5. 2004, Yunus Emre’nin Dünyası. “Annemarie Schimmel ve Yunus Emre”.
Warsaw, Poland, 14-19. 6. 2004, XVI International Congress of Turkish Studies CIEPO, “The Mawlawîhâne of Nicosia. Its Past, Present and its Role in Social and Intellectual Life of the Ottoman Cyprus”.
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 10. 9. 2004, International Forum Bosna, “Heterodoksni sufizam i osmanski Balkan na kraju XVI vijeka”
Nicosia, North Cyprus, Near East University, 16-17.12. 2004, Symposium of Rumi Scholars. First International Gathering. “Mawlawi Order and the Mathnawi Tradition in the Ottoman Bosnia”.
San Francisco, USA, 20-23. 12. 2004, Middle East Studies Association 38th Annual Meeting, “Abdullah Bosnawi, a 17th Century Ottoman Upholder of wahdat al-wujud”.
Frankfurt, Germany, 23-26. 7. 2005, VI Deutsche Turkologenkonferenz, “Sufi Publizistik in Ländern des ehemaligen Jugoslawiens: Geschichtliche Übersicht und aktueller Zustand”.
Çanakkale, Turkey, 25-28. 5. 2006, International Symposium on Mawlânâ Jalâl al-dîn Rumî in Thought and Art, “The Mawlawi Order in Bosnia and its Traces in the Ottoman Literature”.
Trabzon, Turkey, 18-23. 9. 2006, XVII International Congress of Turkish Studies CIEPO, “’Abd al-Majid b. Firishte (d. 1459/60) and the Early Turkish Readings of Hurufi corpus canonicum”.
Boston, USA, 18-21.11.2006, Middle East Studies Association 40th Annual Meeting, “Hurufi Heresy in the 15th Century Anatolia and its Impact on the Ottoman Religious Thought”.
Sivas, Turkey, 21-25.5.2007, Osmanlılar Döneminde Sivas Sempozyumu, “Sivaslı Mutasavvıf ‘Abdü l- Mecîd-i Sivâsî (ö. 1639)’nin Kasidesi ve ‘Abdullâh Bosnavî (ö. 1625)’ye Ait Şerhi”.
London, UK, 13-15.9.2007, British Museum, Wondrous Words: The Poetic Mastery of Jalal al-Din Rumi, “Ottoman-Turkish Commentaries on Rumi’s Masnavi and the Lost Commentary of Sudi Bosnavi”.
Freiburg, Germany, 24-28. 9. 2007, XXX Deutscher Orientalistentag, “The Concept of Sainthood in the Unpublished Preambular Chapter of the Vilayetname-i Otman Baba”.
Tehran, Iran, 28.10-2.11.2007, International Maulana Jalal-ad Din Rumi Conference, “The Mawlawihane of Sarajevo and the Mawlawi Culture of the 17th Century Ottoman Bosnia”.
Ankara, Turkey, 3-5. 4. 2008, Uluslararası Evliya Çelebi ve Seyahatname Sempozyumu, Bilkent University, “Evliya Çelebi’nin Batı Balkanlar Yolculuğu: Günümüze Kadar Yapılan Yayınlara Eleştirel Bir Bakış”.
Zagreb, Croatia, 25-30. 8. 2008, XVIII International Congress of Turkish Studies CIEPO, “An Unorthodox Critique of the History of the Ottoman Melamism in the 16th and 17th centuries”.
Leipzig, Germany, 24-28.9. 2008, Symposium on the History of Printing and Publishing in the Languages and Countries of the Middle East, “Sufis as Publishers: The Tariqat Sponsored Serial Publications in the Late Ottoman Empire”.
Washington, USA, 22-25.11.2008, Middle East Studies Association 42nd Annual Meeting, “Fazlullah-i Astarabadi (d. 1394) as Poet”.
Jerusalem, Israel, 18-20.1.2009, Ottoman Roots of Contemporary Realities: The Middle East and the Balkans Compared, “The Contested Past: Ottoman Legacy in the Collective Memory of Post-Ottoman and Contemporary Bosnia.”
Szeged, Hungary, 4-7. 5. 2009, International Conference: In the Eyes of the Neighbours. Stereotypes and National Characteristics in Middle-East Europe, “Muslims of Bosnia and Herzegovina Between the Ottoman Past and the European Future.”
San Diego, USA, 18-21. 11. 2010, Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting, Nuzhat al-nufus wa tuhfat al-‘arus. “An Unknown Arabic Manual of Erotology from the 14th Century.”
Kütahya, Turkey, 23-26. 3. 2011, Doğumunun 400. Yılında Uluslararası Evliya Çelebi Sempozyumu, “Evliya Çelebi’nin Gözüyle Bosna ve Dalmaçya.”
Retz, Austria, 11-15. 7. 2011, 12th International Congress of Ottoman Social and Economic History (ICOSEH), “Casanova in Istanbul.”
Istanbul-Bursa-Kütahya, Turkey, 26-30. 9. 2011, Doğumunun 400. Yılı Dolayısıyla Uluslararası Evliya Çelebi Ve Seyahatnamesi Toplantısı, “Batı Balkanlar Şiveleri ve Evliya Çelebi’nin Seyahatnamesi”
Rethymno, Greece, 27.6-1.7. 2012, XX Conference of the International Committee for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies CIEPO, “Man as Microcosm: The Concept of al-insan al-kamil in the Light of the Mystical Treatises of Husayn Lamakani (d. 1625)”
Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2-6. 9. 2013, Association for the Study of Persianate Societies, Sixth Biennial Convention, “Rumi's Remote Vestiges: Mevlevi Culture and Persianate Literacy in the 16th- Century Ottoman Bosnia”
Nicosia, Cyprus, 15. 5. 2014, Kıbrıs Seferi Ve Sonrası Sempozyumu, “Venedik Menşeli Bazı Yeni Bulgular Işığında Kıbrıs Fethi Ve Sonrası” (The Ottoman Conquest of Cyprus and Its Aftermath in the Light of Some Previously Unknown Venetian Sources)
Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 24. 2. 2015, SPKD Prosvjeta, “Promjena dioptrije: ‘Nova Turska’ i nova medijska percepcija BiH i Balkana“ (Adjusting the Lenses: ‘New Turkey’ and the New Turkish Perception of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Balkans)
Paris, France, 6-7. 5. 2016, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Les mots du desire. Colloque international. La langue de l’erotisme arabe et ses traductions, “Nuzhat al-Nufus, Promenade of the Soul, Masterpiece of the Bride, and the Islamic Science of Lust”
Nicosia, Cyprus, 20-21. 10. 2016, 1st International Symposium on the Mediterranean World Studies, “The Cyprus Affairs and the Fall of Famagusta 1571 in the Light of the relazioni of the Venetian bailo in Istanbul”
Durham, USA, 12-14. 11. 2016, Duke University, Sex, Sexuality, and Sexual Diversity in Islamic Thought and Praxis, “The Noble Ways of Carnal Pleasure: The Classification of Sex Positions in ‘Nuzhat al-Nufus’ (An Unknown 14th Century Arabic Erotology Compendium)”
Izmir, Turkey, 27-28. 4. 2017, International Symposium on Immigration and Population Exchange, “Emigration of Bosnian Muslims to the Ottoman Empire and Turkey from 1878 to Present. Causes, Effects, and General Patterns.”
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 14. 3. 2018, SPKD Prosvjeta, "Unknown Evliya and Unknown Bosnia"
Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 15. 3. 2018, Gazi Husrev-Bey Library, International Conference: Ahmed Sudi Bošnjak - Life and Work, "The Question of Sudi’s Lost Commentary of Rumi’s Masnawi".
Kyrenia, Cyprus, 12-13. 4. 2018, Near East University, 10th International Symposium on History of Turkish Sea Trading, “The 18th Century Mediterranean Maritime Affairs Through the Eyes of Giacomo Casanova".
Sofia, Bulgaria, 11-15. 9. 2018, XXIII Symposium of the Comité international des études pré-ottomanes et ottomanes CIEPO, “A Melāmī Reading of the Ḫalvetī Discourse: Mystical Correspondence of ‘Abdülmecīd-i Sivāsī (1563-1639) and ‘Abdullāh-ı Bosnavı̄ (1584-1625).”